1. What are freckles?
Freckles are flat, tanned circular spots in the skin. The spots are multiple and may develop on sun-exposed skin after repeated exposure to sunlight. These are particularly common in people of fair complexion on upper-body skin areas like the cheeks, nose, arms, and upper shoulders. Freckles are due to an increase in the amount of dark pigment called melanin and are not due to an increase in the total number of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.
2. How do freckles develop?
Freckles are thought to develop as a result of a combination of genetic tendency (inheritance) and sun exposure.
3. What is the treatment for freckles?
Freckle prevention is mandatory in people with hereditary tendencies. They should start sun protection early in childhood.
Several safe and effective methods are available to help lighten or reduce the appearance of freckles. Frequently, multiple or a combination of treatments may be required for best results. Cryosurgery, Laser treatments, Photo-facials or Intense Pulsed Light may help lighten and decrease the appearance of freckles safely and effectively. Chemical peels can also help lighten freckles and improve irregular pigmentation.